
原発事故の被害を無視し、核エネルギーの危険性を矮小化し、事故の風化を図る日本政府や東京電力をはじめ各電力会社に、私たちはあらためて強く抗議します。 そして、脱原発・脱炭素社会の実現、経済の物質的成長と開発主義から脱し、地域分散型社会への転換、争いの無い平和な世界と地域を創ることの重要性をあらためて確信し、そのために世界中の仲間たちと共に全力を尽くす決意を新たにします。
13th year of "3.11
-In the face of the ongoing crisis, we renew our commitment to nuclear power phase-out
and social shift to sustainability and peace
This March 11 marks 13 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
Public support for victims of the nuclear accident has been cut off one after another, and the effects of the accident are still serious, including impoverishment of many victims and evacuees, environmental pollution, and fragmentation of local communities.
Nevertheless, the Japanese government, under the guise of countermeasures against the serious climate crisis, is pushing ahead with the GX plan to promote nuclear power generation and restart nuclear power plants, including aging ones, throughout the country. The promotion of nuclear power plants, which hinder the expansion of renewable energy, is nothing more than an obstacle to climate crisis countermeasures.
Last August, TEPCO dared to release contaminated treated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant without the full consent of the fishing industry and many local governments, and amidst criticism both at home and abroad. However, in November, two workers were hospitalized after being exposed to radiation when liquid waste splashed out during the cleaning of pipes in the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS), and in February of this year, 5.5 tons of contaminated water leaked onto the site. What was exposed here was TEPCO's lack of management ability and will to ensure safety.
The earthquake that occurred on the Noto Peninsula on January 1 of this year made clear that the current Japanese nuclear disaster preparedness was a failure in every respect.
Once a nuclear power plant was planned in the Suzu City near the epicenter of this earthquake. The plant was withdrawn in 2003 thanks to the persistent protests of residents. A large ground uplift was observed during the recent earthquake, which would have caused an irreparable tragedy for Japan as a whole. A nuclear power plant actually located in Shiga City on the Noto Peninsula, was almost being restarted after a long suspension due to a lengthy evaluation of the activity of a fault line under the ground.
Japanese society needs to know. Thanks to the protests of citizens of Suzu and Shiga cities, the many sacrifices of Fukushima disaster and a series of lucky coincidences, a catastrophic nuclear disaster was just narrowly averted.
What we need to learn from "3.11" 13 years ago is the fact that the nuclear power is dangerous and unsustainable, and that we need to change the society and the economy fundamentally. This is what the Green Party of Japan was established for. The global economic activities of mankind are causing the serious climate crises as well as the crisis due to new infectious diseases such as COVID-19.
We renew our conviction in the importance of realizing a nuclear power-free and decarbonized society, shifting away from economic material growth and developmentalism to a decentralized self-sustainable society, and creating a peaceful world and region without conflict. We renew our determination to do our utmost, together with our colleagues around the world.