
Temporary translation




 緑の党は世界100以上の国や地域で気候変動問題を大きな柱として掲げて活動しています。欧州議会選挙では、気候変動問題が大きな関心を集め、緑の党の躍進につながりました。 このような世界の動きに反する安倍政権の気候変動問題への姿勢はあまりにも時代錯誤です。私たちは、「パリ協定に基づく成長戦略としての長期戦略」の撤回と、パリ協定の「気温上昇を1.5℃以内に抑える」という合意の実現に向けた目標の設定を求めます。




G20 must establish Climate Justice

only by Nonukes and Decarbonizing for the really sustainable world!


June 26, 2019
Greens Japan executive board


The first G20 Summit in Japan will be held in Osaka on June 28.

As G20 countries emit around 80% of global warming effect gas, they are responsible to lead for the achivement of climate justice.  However, so far no country among G20 has set a sufficient goal to suppress the rise in temperature to 1.5℃ by the end of 2030.  People in the world expect that G20 leaders show their political willingness of progressing climate justice by their ambitious targets.  Disappointing was the meeting of ministers of environment and energy held on June 15th and 16th in Nagano.  Saying they would just keep in mind of Paris Agreement, they didn’t show any new CO2 reducing targets.

Japanese government is to be blamed most as the chair country of the Summit because they endorsed on June 11th right before the meeting a “Long-term Strategy based on Paris Agreement” which contravenes Paris Agreement.  The Long-term Strategy prescribes a continuous use of the nuclear and coal-fired power generation, the most dirty sources of energy by resorting uncertain technologies to reduce CO2.

They try to protect the established interests, eventually they intervene a proper progress of energy shift necessary for the future.  We require G20 leaders to decommission nuclear reactors promptly, decarbonize by closing all coal-fired power plants, regulating investments to fossil-fueled industries and increasing carbon taxes.  We also require to clarify targets and a road map to move to renewable energy 100%.

 G20 leaders have to recognize that a big Green Wave has been ignited already.  A high school girl started a movement demanding adults to tackle for climate justice, and it has grown to which totally more than 3 million young people participated in.

 Green Parties who have been struggling for the climate justice in more than 100 countries and regions won historical victory in EU Parliament election thanks to the votes given by those who concern the climate issue most.

The Abe administration on the wrong side of the world movement is an outrageous anachronism.  We demand they drop their “Long-term Strategy based on Paris Agreement” and set real and feasible targets to maintain the Paris Agreement to “suppress the temperature rise to lower than 1.5℃”.